Horoscopul zilei

(22 Noiembrie - 20 Decembrie)

Aceasta zi poate deveni foarte eficienta pentru tine, daca ai destula rabdare si tenacitate. S-ar putea ca acest lucru sa iti dea multe batai de cap, deoarece stai cam prost la acest capitol. Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa te concentrezi si sa te focusezi doar asupra acestui lucru, sa nu te pierzi cu firea.

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Un avion se balansa...Pilotul merge sa vada ce se intampla...
Pilotul:Ce faceti aici?
Pasager:Jucam fotbal!!!
Pilotul:Hai sa va numar...1,2,3,4...
Pilotul:Unde-i Gica-Nebunul?
Pasager:Bate corner pe aripa.

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Limba engleza 3-4 ore - subiect - sesiune speciala proba F

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3 - 4 ore saptamanal - proba f

Sesiunea speciala 2005
- Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu.
- Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3 ore.

SUBJECT 1 30 points
a. Read the text below and write down the theme of the text. 5 points
Chris Roberts is happy to tell you about the recent changes in his lifestyle. 'The most comforting thing, I feel now, was the realisation that I was not alone. Having made the decision entirely alone, I then kept coming across friends of friends who had done something similar to me.' What 31-year-old Chris had done was give up a high-pressure job as a European sales executive in order to be a photographer, gardener and, occasionally, florist's assistant. 'I never had any intention of being poor,' he says quite candidly. 'I looked very carefully at the possibilities and reckoned I could earn what I needed. What I have lost in income is nothing to what I have gained in personal satisfaction and development.' And Chris discovered this kind of decision is not that uncommon. There is even a name for people like Chris: Droppies - the Disillusioned, Relatively Ordinary Professional, Preferring Independent Employment Situations. They have decided to step off the career ladder and out of full-time employment in an attempt to create a different kind of relation to work: the challenge is to be materially comfortable while releasing their energies for personal self-fulfilment. They give up status, but they gain independence.
b. According to this article, what seem to be the main advantages and disadvantages of having a career, and, conversely, of being more independent?
Write a five-paragraph essay to answer this question. Use relevant arguments and examples to sustain your opinions. (about 250 words)
25 points
SUBJECT 2 30 points
a. Translate into English: 10 points
Reteaua WWW pulseaza. Comunicarea a devenit aproape instantanee. S-a produs o explozie a cunoasterii in toate domeniile si mai urmeaza altele. Suntem sofisticati si din ce in ce mai urbanizati! Suntem la apogeul nostru genetic!
Asa au fost odata si oamenii de Neanderthal. Si timp de mii de ani, oamenii de Crô-Magnon au dominat aceasta planeta. Cand hoardele barbare au venit in Europa, in valuri succesive de invazie, celor invadati trebuie sa li se fi parut ca nu se va termina niciodata. Dar vietile noastre si memoria sunt scurte. Revolutia nu s-a terminat inca. Ea este in desfasurare.
b. Rephrase the following sentences, so that the meaning stays the same: 10 points
1. "What's the time?"
Could you .............. ?
2. You brought my umbrella, which was not necessary.
You ..................... .
3. One rarely sees this variety of trees outside a botanical garden nowadays.
Rarely ..................... .
4. The painters are coming to our house tomorrow.
We are ........... painted tomorrow.
5. She didn't take a nap in the afternoon so she's terribly sleepy.
If she ..................... .
c. Complete the second sentence with the necessary words so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word in bold type. Do not change the word given.
10 points
1. Let me give you some advice. think
Let me tell you ............. do.
2. These are the girls I went on holiday with. whom
These are the girls ............. .
3. 'I'm sorry I was late', he said. wished
He said ............. late.
4. Although I said it was raining, it isn't. fact
I said it was raining, ....... it isn't.
5. Neither of these chairs is comfortable. nor
This chair ......... , .... this other one.

SUBJECT 3 30 points
Write about a situation when your best friend let you down. Explain what happened, why you think it happened and how you felt then and afterwards. (about 300 words)